Lee’s Summit Mayor and Appointments Project® Partner to Increase Women’s Participation on Boards and Commissions

United WE’s Appointments Project® Announces Expanded Programming to Lee’s Summit, Missouri

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Kansas City, MO – February 18, 2021 – The Office of Mayor Bill Baird and United WE today announce their collaborative partnership to increase the number of women on local boards and commissions through the Appointments Project®. Of the 23 board and commission appointments in Lee’s Summit, 40% are female. Started in 2014, the Appointments Project® has successfully placed more than 140 women on boards and commissions, including 28 percent women of color. 

“I’ve seen firsthand the need to increase gender parity and improve representation across civic leadership to ensure we’re drawing on the talents and diversity of all our residents,” Mayor Baird said. “Our partnership with United WE and Appointments Project® is strengthening our city by increasing the number of women, including women of color, who are at the decision-making table of their communities.”

United WE’s Appointments Project® serves as a talent bank, advisor and advocate for women seeking opportunities to lead their communities and works to attract diverse applicants for appointed positions on boards and commissions. The award-winning approach guides women through the process of applying for these positions and recommends applicants for appointment.

Mayor Baird will be joined in partnership by community partner Lee’s Summit Chamber of Commerce.

“Our research showed us that women don’t become civically engaged because they weren’t being asked. As a result, we created the Appointments Project® so local boards and commissions could reflect the communities they serve,” said Wendy Doyle, United WE President & CEO. “With the help of partners like Mayor Baird, we are addressing the gender disparities in local leadership and able to make real changes in our communities.” 

Based on a growing number of success stories, the pipeline of women leaders is growing rapidly across the country. The Appointments Project® fills a critical need in creating a pathway to work with elected officials and better community representation that leads to better lives for all.  

A public training event is planned for Thursday, March 4, at 12:00 p.m. CST. Workshops guide women through the process of applying for these positions and offer applicants for appointments. “We encourage and invite everyone to learn more and join us in unlocking women’s potential for civic leadership,” Mayor Baird said.

To learn more about the Appointments Project® and to sign up for the training, please click here.

View the February 18 press conference recording here.