Women’s Foundation and AAUW Encourage Women to Mark Equal Pay Day By Taking Free Pay Negotiation Training

Women in Kansas and Missouri make just 78 and 77 cents, respectively, for every dollar earned by men

KANSAS CITY – This April 2 will mark Equal Pay Day, which symbolizes the approximate day when women’s earnings finally catch up to what men earned the previous year. The Women’s Foundation and the American Association of University Women (AAUW) are encouraging women to mark the occasion by taking advantage of AAUW Work Smart Online, a free and proven online resource to help them negotiate the salary and benefits they deserve.

“The gender pay gap is one of the most pressing issues facing women and their families – undermining women’s financial wellbeing and putting a drag on our economy,” said Wendy Doyle, Women’s Foundation President & CEO. “Women have waited long enough for equal pay for equal work, and we love how this program helps empower women to advocate for themselves in the workplace. Closing the pay gap is going to take all of us – not only employers and policymakers, but also individual women breaking down barriers and demanding the pay and benefits they deserve.”

Last year, AAUW and the Women’s Foundation joined Mayor Sly James to announce AAUW Work Smart in Kansas City, the first phase of a large-scale initiative to help close the gender pay gap by empowering 1 million women to successfully negotiate their salary and benefits across Kansas and Missouri.

“Closing the gender wage gap will take effort on many fronts, but one way we are working toward that goal is by empowering individual women to take charge of their financial future,” says Kim Churches, CEO of AAUW. “Negotiating for better jobs and better pay will help enhance economic security not just for women but also for their families. And, when millions of women learn the skills they need, we know it will chip away at the gender pay gap.”

AAUW’s Work Smart curriculum is based on the newest research on how to best navigate the complexity of job offers and promotions. Through presentations and interactive exercises, participants learn to research fair and equitable salaries and benefits in their fields (and geographic areas) and to clearly articulate their skills and experience. Participants also learn the precise words and tactics to use when negotiating, all of which helps build the necessary confidence to negotiate a fair salary or promotion.

While women nationwide are typically paid 80 percent of what men are paid, women in Missouri and Kansas earn just 78 cents and 77 cents respectively, for every dollar earned by a man. Women of color experience pay gaps that are far wider. Missouri’s pay gap is wider than 29 other states, while Kansas’ is the 8th largest in the country.

To register for a free, online salary negotiation workshop, visit: https://salary.aauw.org/