Appointee Spotlight on Jacque Eidson

Being an active participant in the community is incredibly important to Jacque Eidson. As a mother of four, she knew if she waited for life to slow down before getting involved in her community that she would be waiting forever. That’s why she made a deliberate decision to make time for public service and she’s found it both enlightening and rewarding. 

In the wise words of Shirley Chrisholm, a pioneering figure in American history, an educator, and a powerful catalyst for change: “Service is the rent that we should all pay for room on this earth.”

With the help of United WE, Jacque was recently elected to the Mizzou Extension Jackson County Council. County Council members are partners in the entire educational process, from needs assessment through program implementation and evaluation of outcomes. Jacque works with the team in ensuring that programming is inclusive and innovative to best serve the residents of Jackson County. 

In June 2021, Jacque was appointed to the Jackson County Ethics & Humans Relations Commission as one of only six Commissioners serving the Kansas City metropolitan area. Jacque is a frequent volunteer for KC Scholars, Missouri DECA, and KC-PREP. She’s also a United WE Ambassador and is active in the Show-Me REDI class, a new initiative to help Missouri women take a seat at the civic table. 

Jacque’s journey to public service didn’t come without support. She acknowledges that the initial thought of serving on a board or commission can feel intimidating and overwhelming. Having United WE’s Appointments Project® in her corner made all the difference. The program educated her on the process, provided guidance, and cheered her on every step of the way. The experience has inspired her to do more and be more – in an intentional and meaningful way. 

In the future, Jacque looks forward to learning how she can engage on a statewide level. She also wants to learn how she can best support other women who are seeking involvement within their communities and the state. Women must continue to support other women.

There are many inspirational women that Jacque looks up to for a multitude of reasons: whether it’s their commitment to service, their ability to connect with others in a meaningful way, their parenting tips, their work/life balance abilities, their commitment to self-improvement, or their passion for empowering others. Those that live life with an open heart and an open mind inspire her the most.

As a first-generation college student, Jacque has earned a B.S. in Accounting, an M.B.A., a Ph.D. in Organizational Psychology, and conducted post graduate leadership work through Harvard University. Jacque lives in Blue Springs with her husband and their four children. When she is not chasing down children she enjoys hiking, reading and going on dates with her husband.

More About Jacque

Dr. Jacquelyn Eidson currently serves as Director of the National Higher Education Benchmarking Institute as well as an Instructor for the University of Kansas School of Graduate and Professional Studies. Previously, Jacque served as Faculty and Consultant for the University of Missouri’s Business Development Program funded by the Small Business Administration and Defense Logistics Agency. She has also taught and provided consulting services for the University of Missouri - Kansas City, Missouri Valley College, and Saylor Academy in Washington D.C.  

Jacque also serves as an Accreditation Peer Reviewer for the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, on the Governance Committee for the American Association of University Women, an Ambassador for United WE, and was chosen as a 2022-2033 participant in the Kansas Community College Leadership Institute.